For Business

PyraTex for Business is under construction. Stay tuned!

Admin Assigned Login

With a PyraTex For Business subscription, admin rights will be given to one login account. All user terms and conditions and service agreement shall be established, enforced and followed.

To apply for an admin login and For Business account with PyraTex, the application and instructions can be found at the bottom of this page. An admin account will be manually created by a PyraTex administrator.

The many benefits of holding a For Business account with PyraTex include monthly number of items specified below:

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This monthly subscription is designed for smaller business entities.



This monthly subscription is designed for moderate sized businesses with one or more store locations. If the control of this product is at the hands of a single in-store operator of a franchise or corporation, this program makes more sense.



This monthly subscription is designed for large businesses or corporations that has a number of franchises or marketing program that operates over many different locations. If the intent of this marketing operation is to centralize the operation for one operator over a number of operators, this program is for you!

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Diamond Unlimited

This monthly subscription is for unlimited access of marketing program. There are still filters in place that filter priority not by the number of posts but by the user's preferences.